QuickBooks POS v18.0, R8 Improvements
2 min readApr 10, 2019
QuickBooks Point of Sale Version 18.0 Improvements for Release 8.
Below are the release notes for POS v18 R8. The manual patch is currently available; customers will need to go to our download site to get it. Our auto patch will follow later in April.
- An Access Violation message will no longer display when recording an offline credit card transaction.
- Transactions that fail EMV processing in GoPayment, will not be used for mobile sync as they are a failed transaction.
- Point of Sale will now be able to take in additional Cardholder Verification Methods (CVMs) like PIN to our existing CVMs, like signature capture.
- Simplified the Gift Card service activation using single click option in the Setup Interview tab for Gift Cards.
- Added a new user guide with updated 60 day support for v18.
- Enhanced security with QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale V18.0 with strict compliance for TLS 1.2
- Point of Sale will now update a database seamlessly without error 195.
- Freezing will no longer happen for large database company files resulting in a “Point of Sale got stuck” message.
Sales, Purchasing and Items
- When performing a mobile sync, items with a non-taxable tax code will no longer set to a taxable tax code.
- When importing items, Reorder Point values will now import correctly.
- POS will now reflect the requested filter results correctly, when a user switches the filter options with customer order transactions.
- Point of Sale will now print the correct Sales Order after changing status of a Sales Order.
- Point of Sale will now show the correct available quantity and the status of Sales Order.
- Point of Sale will now be able to display correct order quantity after modifying the bill to/ship to address on a Purchase Order.
Originally published at BlackRock.