QuickBooks POS: Edit Departments
QuickBooks POS: Edit Departments
[su_button url=”https://sheets.blackrockbusiness.com/edit-departments" target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#73BA9B” color=”#ffffff” size=”12" center=”yes” radius=”10" icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” title=”Download QuickBooks POS PDF Instruction Tutorial”]Download PDF Instruction Tutorial[/su_button] Today we are going to talk about editing departments in QuickBooks point of sale. Let’s begin:
- On your Home screen, go to “Department List”.
- On your Department List screen, choose a department you want to edit. Then select “Edit” on the upper right corner of the screen.
- Edit Department screen will appear. You can now edit your department information. After you edit select “Save”.
- This is now our new settings for Pants Department.
- Note: Changing the Tax Code and the Margin and Markup will not change the previously made Pants Department. The new settings will take effect on creating a new item on your Pants Department.
- Now, let’s create a new item to use the new settings in Pants Department.
- Go to “Item List”, select “Add” to add inventory item.
- Add Inventory Item screen will appear.
- Enter a name for your item (For example, Super Pants).
- Choose the Pants Department that we just created.
- Automatically under your Tax field it will select “Tax” because of the new settings that we created.
- Average Unit Cost is our Margin and Regular Price is our Markup, so for example we put 7 on our Average Unit Cost it will automatically compute for the Markup or the Regular Price.
Original Article: https://blackrockbusiness.com/quickbooks-pos-edit-departments/?feed_id=4420&_unique_id=6235d0404880f